
Overcoming Emotional Eating Group Workshop

Join this interactive, dynamic, creative, and supportive group to connect with others who also struggle with emotional eating*!

Explore different parts of yourself including the part that overeats and the part that wants to lose weight. Learn healthier ways of relating to your inner experiences, including cravings and urges to eat in ways that do not serve you. Develop practices to mindfully navigate emotional experiences so you can move towards freedom and wellbeing.

This workshop incorporates experiential activities from improv, drama therapy, mindfulness, expressive arts, and journaling. We touch on the importance of sound nutrition; no specific diet advice is provided beyond an emphasis on real whole food.

If interested, email Tova: tovaabelmancoaching@gmail.com

*This group is not intended for people suffering from serious eating disorders

I created, wrote, and produced this deck of 50 practices intended to support wellness & wellbeing. It's now available for purchase on Etsy and Amazon!

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