Thinking in terms of healthy inner multiplicity, it can help to work towards envisioning how you want to show up in your life. This essentially helps you strengthen, develop, and embody an inner part of self, or inner role. If you’re feeling stuck in some way, or aren’t showing up in your life the way you want to (those intentions can be helpful in identifying traits, mindsets, and ways of being of your ideal self), start to get clear on what it would look like if you were aligned with your deepest intentions. Think of this part of you as a kind of container for attitudes, beliefs, ways of being, actions, and mindsets, and really flesh it out into a character. You might start off thinking in terms of archetypes (noting that all archetypes have a light and shadow side). Identify the details of this inner role: what do they wear, what do they do, what thoughts do they have, how do they sit, how do they respond to stressors, how are they in their personal relationships, etc. As you get clarity on these attributes, you can begin to visualize how this ideal part of yourself might react and respond to situations you find yourself facing or are about to face. Remember, this ideal self is a part of you right now, and you can step into the role at any moment.